Richard Dean

It is with deepest regret that we must announce the news that Richard Dean passed away in December.

Richard was the mainstay of our county competitions for so many years, from athlete registration through to results and leaving a gap that that will be hard to fill. There will not be many people in Hampshire Athletics who did not use the websites he maintained to find event information, then enter and later view the results.

Richard first contact with athletics was in the late 1970 when he managed the results for a race in Winchester. He was to do several more Winchester race results and then in the early eighties other race organisers in Hampshire began to use Richard's skills. Within about 5 years he was doing the results for most Hampshire races and Richard became known to all club administrators. He added Web development and Treasurer for Hampshire Athletics to his portfolio and his skills were the envy of many counties and athletic organisations.

He was a lovely man, there will never be another like him.

We will all miss you Richard.

Richard’s Funeral will be held on Friday 26th January at 3pm at Harbour View Crematorium, just off of the A350 a few miles north of Poole.

The postcode is BH16 6AN.I know that many of your members will live some distance away from here so we are considering making the funeral available as a live webcast.

Spaces are limited so if you would like to attend or view the webcast, please can you contact his brother Brian by email to reserve a place